

diumenge, 28 d’octubre del 2018

Trick or treat Song

Students in P3, P4 and P5 have been acting out and singing this fantastic Halloween song! 

Do you want to practice it a little bit more? 

Let's have some fun together! 

Apple Bobbing Year 6

Apple bobbing, also known as bobbing for apples, is a game often played on HalloweenThe game is played by filling a tub or a large basin with water and putting apples in the water. Players try to catch one with their teeth.

Here you have some videos. 

Role-Play Corner Year 5

Students in Year 5 have started the corners.

Here you can watch some videos of the role-play corner.

Thanks a lot to the Language Assistants who have helped them!

Welcome to our Language Assistants. Year 5

Our school is taking part in the Sharing to Learn Project. 

Students in Year 5 will be having 2 Language Assistants from "Institut Bruguers" during all the academic year. 

During these sessions we will be doing corners to work on the different linguistic skills. 

We wanted to give them a warm welcome!

The weather in Year 1

The little ones have been working on weather routines! 

Let's watch the video! They are doing a great job! 

English Library and English classroom

Our English Library has been re-opened. Students in Year 6 were looking forward to using it! 

Moreover, they have been decorating the English classroom. 

Food likes and dislikes Year 5

Year 5 students have explained us their food likes and dislikes. 
Resultat d'imatges de food likes and dislikes quotes

Celebrities Year 5 students

Year 5 students have been descriving some Englsih/American celebrities! 

Let's have a look! 

dilluns, 8 d’octubre del 2018

Getting to know Picasso!!!

We've been working in teams to gather all the information we found about Picasso so far. You will find a Prezi presentation to catch us up too!

Do you want to have look?

Picasso's Prezi

dijous, 4 d’octubre del 2018

Descobrint en Romero Britto a tercer!

Aquest trimestre a tercer hem començat a treballar l'obra d'en Romero Britto. Voleu veure com d'acolorits i vibrants queden alguns dels seus dibuixos de la mà dels alumnes de 3rA i 3rB? Passeu i mireu!