

dijous, 12 de novembre del 2015

Exam Unit 2 Dictation activity (5th/6th levels)

Hello everyone!

After correcting Unit 1 exams, I realised that it is very difficult for some of you to write English words correctly when they are dictated. For this reason, I have recorded a video for you to practice for the exam's dictation activity. You can stop the video when you like and pretend that you are in the real exam. When you finish your twenty sentences dictation in your house, you can check your answers using the sentences below.

As I explain in the video, there are twenty sentences, and seven of them will be the ones that you will be dictated in the exam.

That took me quite a lot of time to prepare... I hope you take advantage of the video and improve your Unit 2 exam's results. There are two videos: one for 5th level and one for 6th level.

I hope you use them to practise a lot!

You can leave a comment if you like,



Hola a tothom!

Després de corregir els exàmens de la unitat 1, m'he adonat que és molt difícil per alguns de vosaltres escriure paraules en anglès correctament quan són dictades. Per aquesta raó, he gravat un vídeo perquè vosaltres practiqueu per l'activitat del dictat de l'examen. Podeu parar el vídeo quan us vingui de gust i fer com si estiguéssiu en l'examen real. Quan acabeu de fer el dictat de vint oracions a casa vostra, podeu comprovar les respostes utilitzant les frases que hi ha a sota.

Com explico al vídeo, hi ha vint oracions, i set d'aquestes seran les que us dictaré a l'examen.

Això m'ha costat força de preparar... Desitjo que aprofiteu el vídeo i milloreu els resultats de l'examen de la unitat 2. Hi ha dos vídeos: un per a 5è i un per a 6è.

Espero que els utilitzeu i practiqueu molt!

Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust,



1) I log in to a computer every day.
2) You log out of a computer at the weekend.
3) He plays computer games at school.
4) She always surfs the internet.
5) We often read a web page.
6) They sometimes write emails.
7) You never use a webcam.
8) He takes photos at the weekend.
9) She sends text messages every day.
10 ) I don't listen to an MP3 player.
11) You don't log in to a computer.
12) He doesn't log out of a computer.
13) She doesn't play computer games.
14) Do you surf the internet? Yes, I do.
15) Do you read a web page? No, I don't.
16) Does he write emails? Yes, he does.
17) Does she use a webcam? No, she doesn't.
18) Does she take photos? Yes, she does.
19) Does he send text messages? No, he doesn't.
20) Do you listen to an MP3 player? No, I don't.


1) I'm wearing trousers.
2) I'm not wearing leggings.
3) He's helping Martin.
4) She isn't helping Mary.
5) We're wearing sandals.
6) You aren't wearing a tracksuit.
7) I wear a headband.
8) You help Paco.
9) He helps Henry.
10) She doesn't help Robert.
11) We wear a denim skirt.
12) They don't wear a polo shirt.
13) Are you helping Dave? Yes, I am.
14) Are you helping Paca? No, I'm not.
15) Is he helping Pepa? Yes, he is.
16) Is she helping Maite? No, she isn't.
17) Do you help David? No, I don't.
18) Do you help Mario? No, I don't.
19) Does she help Laia? Yes, she does.
20) Does he help Bertin? No, he doesn't.

dimarts, 10 de novembre del 2015

It's technology time! (5th B)

Hello everyone!

Today, you will see how 5th B students tell us about technology vocabulary that they will be learning through the second unit of their book.

You can leave a comment if you like.

Watch it a lot of times to study and practise. I hope you like it!



Hola a tothom!

Avui, podreu veure com els alumnes de 5è A ens conten sobre el vocabulari de la tecnologia que estan aprenent amb la segona unitat del seu llibre.

Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.

Mireu-lo molts cops per a estudiar i practicar. Desitjo que us agradi!


Halloween (2nd/3rd levels)

Hello everyone!

We have worked on Halloween vocabulary and we have seen a Jack O'Lantern and a witch, as you can see in the pictures.

The 3rd level students prepared a Jack O'Lantern mask and we had lots of fun!

Here you can see the photos.

I hope you like them.



Hola a tothom!

Hem treballat el vocabulari de Halloween i hem vist una carabassa lluminosa i una bruixa, com podeu veure a les fotos.

Els alumnes de tercer han preparat una màscara en forma de carabassa i hem gaudit molt!

Aquí podeu veure les fotos.

Desitjo que us agradin.


divendres, 6 de novembre del 2015

It's technology time! (5th A)

Hello everyone!

Today, you will see how 5th A students tell us about technology vocabulary that they will be learning through the second unit of their book. Next week, we will record the same video for 5th B students too!

You can leave a comment if you like.

Watch it a lot of times to study and practise. I hope you like it!



Hola a tothom!

Avui, podreu veure com els alumnes de 5è A ens conten sobre el vocabulari de la tecnologia que estan aprenent amb la segona unitat del seu llibre. La propera setmana, gravarem el mateix vídeo pels alumnes de 5è B també!

Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.

Mireu-lo molts cops per a estudiar i practicar. Desitjo que us agradi!


dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2015

Another video on GavàTV!


Here you can see another video of GavàTV with information about Halloween and "la Castanyada" in our city. You can see some interesting interviews too...

The information about our school is in the next periods of time: from minute 3:30 to minute 7:50.

You can leave a comment if you like.

I hope you like it!




Aquí podeu veure un altre vídeo de GavàTV amb informació sobre Halloween i "la Castanyada" en la nostra ciutat. Podeu veure alguna entrevista interesant també...

La informació sobre la nostra escola està en els següents períodes de temps: des del minut 3:30 fins al minut 7:50.

Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.

Desitjo que us agradi!
