

diumenge, 15 d’octubre del 2017

Free time & Hobbies

Year 6 students have been talking about free time activities and favourite hobbies.
In a few days they will explain you all about themselves in this padlet. 

Have a look! And don't miss the chance!!!

Made with Padlet

Welcome to the LAs

Today Pablo and Marta (our language assistants in Year 5 B) have visited us. From today until May they will be with us during the Art sessions. 

In the first video we have created a message to welcome them. 

Later on, they have taken part in a tour through the Jacme March school. Students have been the guides. 

Finally, they have introduce themselves and we have been asking some questions to them! 

Students are looking forward to seeing you next week! 

dissabte, 14 d’octubre del 2017

Art room rules Year 6

Rules are very important!

During the art lessons we have been creative and we want to explain our rules in a very different way!
We all hope you like the video!

divendres, 13 d’octubre del 2017

What time is it?

What time is it? 
Do you want to practise? Here you can watch some videos students in Year 6 have prepared!!! 

We hope you like them all!!!

dilluns, 2 d’octubre del 2017

Art room rules!

We are about to finish the Art room rules! 

Working cooperatively and collaboratively 
allow us to develop our oral communication skills!!!