

divendres, 6 de novembre del 2015

It's technology time! (5th A)

Hello everyone!

Today, you will see how 5th A students tell us about technology vocabulary that they will be learning through the second unit of their book. Next week, we will record the same video for 5th B students too!

You can leave a comment if you like.

Watch it a lot of times to study and practise. I hope you like it!



Hola a tothom!

Avui, podreu veure com els alumnes de 5è A ens conten sobre el vocabulari de la tecnologia que estan aprenent amb la segona unitat del seu llibre. La propera setmana, gravarem el mateix vídeo pels alumnes de 5è B també!

Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.

Mireu-lo molts cops per a estudiar i practicar. Desitjo que us agradi!


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