
dimarts, 29 de gener del 2019
dilluns, 28 de gener del 2019
diumenge, 27 de gener del 2019
dimecres, 16 de gener del 2019
dimarts, 15 de gener del 2019
Corners in Year 5
Students in Year 5 are taking part in the Project Sharing to Learn.
We have 4 Language Assistants coming to our school and they help us with the English corners.
Here you can have a look to the 5 corners we have!
Corners in Year 5B
Students in Year 5 have been doing corners on Tuesdays and Fridays.
We have got a VIDEO CORNER, where they have to order a dialogue, personalize the dialogue and record it.
Here you have some examples!
They have done an awesome job!
Head, shoulders, knees and toes Song
Vocabulary can be introduced to students through songs. And songs always contain authentic and natural language. That's why in Infant Education we want our pupils to learn English through songs.
Moreover, the parts of the body song is a kinesthetic song which make the learning process more attractive and pupils have more fun!
How's the weather?
2019 has arrived and with this new year,
our pupils in P3, P4 and P5 are discovering new songs.
Here we have the "How's the weather" song we are practising as a routine
during this 2nd term. We hope you like it!
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