2nd meeting with our friends in Turkey!

dimecres, 26 d’abril del 2017
Turkish Meeting!
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Turkish school,
Freaky. A show to remember!
Last week, we went to the theatre.
Freaky is an amazing show! Our students had a great time and they laughed a lot!
There are some / There aren't any
In Year 5 we have started a new unit. We are working on There are some .... and There aren't any...
To make the learning process easier we have included some movements!
After the first session, this is the result!
Saint George
In year 6, during the art sessions, students were painting a Saint George photocall.
Once it was finished, on the 21st of April they took some photos.
Look, Look!!! We've got some wonderful dragons and beautiful princesses.
They have also made two bookmarks.
Do you feel like watching the process?¿?
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Saint George
Easter exchange
In Year 5 and 6, students have designed their own Easter Postcards to send them to our friends in Greece.
Last Monday we received the Easter Postcards from Greece.
Watch the video and find out their reaction! :D
Etiquetes de comentaris:
Easter exchange,
Greek school
Freak or Unique?
Freak or Unique????
Students in Year 5 and 6 have been learning a new song and dance.
On Thuersday they are going to the theater!
dimarts, 18 d’abril del 2017
Let Introduce Ourselves PADLET in TWINSPACE
Remember that from Wednesday 19th to Wednesday 26th of April you have to do the task LET INTRODUCE OURSELVES in the PADLET.
Here you have a video about how to create a note in the PADLET!
How to edit your Twinspace PROFILE
Still trying to discover how to edit your Twinspace PROFILE?
Don't worry. Keep calm and watch this video!
How to access to TWINSPACE?
Dear students in year 5 and 6,
Here you can watch a brief video where it is explained how to access to Twinspace!
I hope it is useful for you all!
Què és eTwinning?
Els alumnes de 5è i 6è de l'escola Jacme March ja fa un trimestre que formen part de dos projectes eTwinnings.
Durant aquest tercer i darrer trimestre, volem que l'alumnat aprengui a utilitzar la plataforma virtual TWINSPACE.
No vau poder assistir a la reunió eTwinning.
Aquí teniu la presentació per si voleu fer un cop d'ull.
dilluns, 3 d’abril del 2017
Egg hunt!
Easter is coming also for the little ones in Jacme March!
In P3, P4 and P5 students will be doing an Egg Hunt.
Mister bunny has lost all his chocolate eggs and he wants us to find them out!
Here you can watch The Great Egg Hunt story by Peppa Pig.
Easter exchange
In Year 5 and 6 students have been talking with some students from Greece.
As Easter is coming, we have decided to do an Easter exchange.
Jacme March students have been working very hard, and they have designed awesome postcards.
Here you can see some examples!
We hope you like them!
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