Hello little monsters!
These days, we have been working on Halloween dancing and singing songs. Here you can see some photographs of our best moments.
I hope you like them!
You can leave a comment if you like.
Hola petits monstres!
Aquests dies, hem estat treballant Halloween ballant i cantant cançons. Aquí podeu veure algunes fotografies dels nostres millors moments.
Desitjo que us agradin!
Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.

dijous, 29 d’octubre del 2015
dimarts, 27 d’octubre del 2015
Halloween song, part 2!
Do you remember the "knock, knock, trick or treat" song? There is a second part for that song, and if you want to enjoy it, here you are!
Recordeu la cançó de "knock, knock, trick or treat"? Hi ha una segona part per aquesta cançó, i si voleu gaudir-la, aquí la teniu!
Do you remember the "knock, knock, trick or treat" song? There is a second part for that song, and if you want to enjoy it, here you are!
Recordeu la cançó de "knock, knock, trick or treat"? Hi ha una segona part per aquesta cançó, i si voleu gaudir-la, aquí la teniu!
The news on GavàTV
Hello everyone!
Last Friday, a cameraman from GavàTV came to 6th B class and recorded a part of the class when we were singing a Halloween song. Here you can see the piece of news!
You can leave a comment if you like.
I hope you like it!
Hola a tothom!
El darrer divendres, un càmera de GavàTV va venir a la classe de 6è B i va gravar una part de la classe quan estàvem cantant una cançó de Halloween. Aquí podeu veure la notícia!
Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.
Desitjo que us agradi!
Last Friday, a cameraman from GavàTV came to 6th B class and recorded a part of the class when we were singing a Halloween song. Here you can see the piece of news!
You can leave a comment if you like.
I hope you like it!
Hola a tothom!
El darrer divendres, un càmera de GavàTV va venir a la classe de 6è B i va gravar una part de la classe quan estàvem cantant una cançó de Halloween. Aquí podeu veure la notícia!
Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.
Desitjo que us agradi!
dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2015
Mini flashcards envelope (1st level)
Hello everyone!
Here the first level students are creating their mini flashcards envelope, where they are going to put all the mini flashcards to practise speaking activities during the course.
Aquí els alumnes de primer estan fent el seu petit sobre per les "flashcards" (cartes) per fer diferents jocs de vocabulari al llarg del curs.
Aquí els alumnes de primer estan fent el seu petit sobre per les "flashcards" (cartes) per fer diferents jocs de vocabulari al llarg del curs.
dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015
Halloween is coming...
Hello little monsters!
As you all know, Halloween is a very important day in many countries, like England. Here you can see a video in which different characters are saying: Trick or treat?
Have a look at it and try to learn it if you can... Of course you can!
You can leave a comment if you like.
I hope you like it,
Hola petit monstres!
Com tots sabeu, "Halloween" és un dia molt important en molts països, com Anglaterra. Aquí podeu veure un vídeo en el qual diferents personatges estan dient: Trick or treat?
Doneu un cop d'ull i intenteu aprendre-la si podeu... I tant que podeu!
Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.
Desitjo que us agradi,
As you all know, Halloween is a very important day in many countries, like England. Here you can see a video in which different characters are saying: Trick or treat?
Have a look at it and try to learn it if you can... Of course you can!
You can leave a comment if you like.
I hope you like it,
Hola petit monstres!
Com tots sabeu, "Halloween" és un dia molt important en molts països, com Anglaterra. Aquí podeu veure un vídeo en el qual diferents personatges estan dient: Trick or treat?
Doneu un cop d'ull i intenteu aprendre-la si podeu... I tant que podeu!
Podeu deixar un comentari si us ve de gust.
Desitjo que us agradi,
diumenge, 18 d’octubre del 2015
Tips for learning English!
Hello everyone!
I have recorded a video of myself speaking for 14 minutes. In this video, I am giving you tips for learning English. I speak Catalan in the video so you do not miss a single word!
You can watch it as many times as you like. You can leave a comment if you wish.
I hope you like it and put them into practice!
Hola a tothom!
He gravat un vídeo de mi mateix parlant durant 14 minuts. En aquest vídeo, estic donant-vos consells per aprendre anglès. Parlo català en el vídeo perquè no es perdeu ni una paraula!
Podeu veure'l tants cops com vulgueu. Podeu deixar un comentari si ho desitgeu.
Desitjo que us agradi i els poseu en pràctica!
I have recorded a video of myself speaking for 14 minutes. In this video, I am giving you tips for learning English. I speak Catalan in the video so you do not miss a single word!
You can watch it as many times as you like. You can leave a comment if you wish.
I hope you like it and put them into practice!
Hola a tothom!
He gravat un vídeo de mi mateix parlant durant 14 minuts. En aquest vídeo, estic donant-vos consells per aprendre anglès. Parlo català en el vídeo perquè no es perdeu ni una paraula!
Podeu veure'l tants cops com vulgueu. Podeu deixar un comentari si ho desitgeu.
Desitjo que us agradi i els poseu en pràctica!
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